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Some 2 months after we set up our new eConsult Service, we take a look at how it has been working for our patients and the practice as a whole.

Following feedback from patients regarding access issues to the telephone triage system we launched our new eConsult service. This allows people to request an administrative task or a GP review by the end of the next working day. Demand for the service has been high but we have managed to meet the target of answering all queries within the allotted time.

We are currently dealing with 60-100 requests per day with over 90% of patients satisfied with the service. It is likely that as the service gains more popularity we will need to dedicate more GP and administrative time towards supporting it.  We find it has been particularly helpful for our working population who can find it difficult to wait on the phone in the morning.

If you were unaware of the service or would simply like more information on it please visit our eConsult page here>>

Very satisfiedSaved time waiting in the queue to request a call back and with my ongoing health issues I always feel bad taking up an appointment that could be used by someone who has an urgent need for the doctor this service allowed me to put in a request for the doctor to call when he had a free minute
Fairly satisfiedBecause j dicng actually managed to speak to GP
Very satisfiedAs I was able to get an appointment at a time where I could make it
Very satisfiedI think it's great that it's a very fast service you're not sitting for 30 minutes on iPhone waiting for a phone call to be answered and then the email you back and everything is technology nowadays and and if you do need to see you then the phone and you book an appointment there and then I just think it's amazing
Very satisfiedI got to speak with the go I requested
Fairly satisfiedI used this for myself and it was fine, however I have also used for my daughter and it wasn't great. I never got the email return confirming a prescription was provided or any aftercare. It took for me to call to be told and the person I spoke to was a tad rude about it. It wasn't my fault the email wasn't there and I understand your busy, but maybe a phone call back would have avoided this.
I also need to point out on a separate note that there was a call made on an emergency appointment for my daughter and it took over 3 hours to call me back. I had been to A&E with her and was home by the time it took you to call back.
Very satisfiedI put my request in the morning and got my sick note that afternoon
Fairly satisfiedI wasn't dissatisfied but I ended up having to call nhs24 in the evening because I felt worse and was going to have to do sit two more days for a call back
Very satisfiedbecause it is quicker
Very satisfiedEfficient service.
Fairly satisfiedIt is fine depending on the nature of the problem
Very satisfiedEverything was easy to understand.quick and easy to fill out request form.and In the comfort of your own home.
Very satisfiedThe system works fine if it helps to keep the waiting times down
Very satisfiedCalled backed and got further prescription
Fairly satisfiedI was able to write my query in the the first paragraph but was forced to answer a lot of irrelevant questions in order to submit the e form . I had to tick a box when sometimes the question wasn't applicable. If I left it blank I couldn't move on. Also there was something else I wanted to say in the first paragraph but had to delete is as I had used up my 500 characters.
Very satisfiedIt's easier than calling and waiting in a phone queue
Very satisfiedPlease see the previous answer extremely satisfied.
Very satisfiedConvenient when working
Very satisfiedSuch a quick & easy way to contact the GP at a time of your choosing. Really quick response from the surgery. Staff who call back are so helpful at the surgery. For me, it took the anxiety out of contacting the surgery initially by telephone. Brilliant service!
Very satisfiedTrying to phone early morning to make an appointment to see a doctor is like a lottery, very little chance of getting an appointment. The eConsult service was quick and easy and call back was fairly quick. Very satisfied with this service.
Fairly satisfiedThe service I needed was difficult to find on line. The line doesn't have administrative help clearly visible .
Fairly dissatisfieddissatisfied as I never received a call back regarding my 5 year old son which led me to have to call the doctors surgery directly the following day
Very satisfiedIt was frustrating to start with as I picked the wrong option a number of times so more clarity on the start options would be good. Once started it worked great the DR called me back about a prescription that had a manufacturer production delay.
Very satisfiedVery easy
Very satisfiedA great alternative to waiting for a phone call to be answered, especially at busy times.
Very satisfiedQuick and easy to use. Perfect to fit around work

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