We are OPEN every day over the Christmas period except for the national Christmas and New Year bank holidays.
eConsult will be in self care mode from midday on 21st December until 9am 2nd January.
Please call the practice as normal if you have an urgent medical problem on the 21st or 22nd December.
If you have an urgent medical problem between 27th and 29th then please do not call the practice – we will be operating Emergencies Only walk in clinics (9-11am and 2- 4pm) for anyone who has an urgent medical issue and who feels they need to be seen.
From all at Newbattle Medical Practice we wish you a Happy and Healthy Christmas.
We would like to make patients aware that seasonal Flu Vaccines are currently still available as drop in sessions throughout November around Midlothian. Dates can be found below:
1/11/23 Loanhead Library 08:30 – 16:00
1/11/23 Newbattle Library 08:30 – 16:00
3/11/23 Gorebridge Library (Venue TBC) 08:30 – 16:00
18/11/23 IKEA Loanhead 10:00 – 16:00
If you receive an appointment for one of the above clinics and are unable to attend but able to attend another please bring along your original letter and we will be able to assist you.
Does your child have ASN? Midlothian are pleased to announce that they are running sessions for vaccinations in a calm, relaxed environment at Bright Sparks in Bonnyrigg.
Please contact your HV for further details or 07970 297 939 for further advice.
From now on, GP practices will not administer the Flu jab. Across Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships are taking on this role in line with the GP Contract agreed by BMA Scotland on behalf of Scottish GPs. This change has been agreed to relieve pressure on GP practices. As a result your local practice will not offer any flu vaccinations or handle any booking queries for people in eligible groups.
Instead, the flu vaccine will be delivered by the four Health and Social Care Partnerships in Lothian – East Lothian; Midlothian; Edinburgh and West Lothian.
If you require further information or you need to rearrange your appointment, please contact the helpline on your appointment invitation or the local enquiry line on 0300 790 6296.
Please do not contact your GP.
You can find out more on the websites of the Health and Social Care Partnerships or on NHS Inform”
Like every year, the practice will be OPEN over the Christmas Period except for the Scottish national bank holidays.
eConsult will be available for self care advice over the Christmas period from Friday 24th December at noon until midnight on the Monday 4th January. During that time, If you have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait until Monday 4th January then you can phone the practice.
Wishing every one the best possible Christmas, Newbattle Medical Practice