To All Our Patients
It is with great regret we have taken the decision to permanently close Newtongrange clinic. This was opened in 2018 following the conversion of the old health visiting building. It has been used since to offer GP, physio and nursing clinics. It was not proving as popular as our main site at Newbattle due to the lack of any parking but ideally we would have continued to use it to offer more clinical space and easier access for those in Newtongrange village.
However, due to major cost increases announced by NHS Lothian to service the building we have had no option but to close to protect our clinical service. As it is an NHS owned building the GP Partnership has to accept NHS Lothian’s Estate Services for cleaning, maintenance and utilities. They proposed increasing the costs onto the GP Partnership by over 330%! This forced us to make the difficult choice between keeping the building or reducing our staffing. As you are aware we are a very busy Practice so reducing our staffing is something we will never look to do as it would have a detrimental impact on the care we can provide. We understand this will be disappointing to patients, especially those within Newtongrange but we hope you can understand our decision.
With significantly more buildings planned in the area it is hugely frustrating we are being forced to reduce our premises but until the funding into General Practice and the NHS in general improves we fear more reductions like this are inevitable. We will strive to protect services for you all as best we can and hope that better times are to come. Many thanks for your understanding.
Kind regards,
Newbattle Medical Group
Childhood Flu Vaccines
Midlothian 2-5 year Nasal Flu Drop-in Sessions
We would like to make patients aware that seasonal Flu Vaccines are currently still available as drop in sessions throughout November around Midlothian. Dates can be found below:
1/11/23 Loanhead Library 08:30 – 16:00
1/11/23 Newbattle Library 08:30 – 16:00
3/11/23 Gorebridge Library (Venue TBC) 08:30 – 16:00
18/11/23 IKEA Loanhead 10:00 – 16:00
If you receive an appointment for one of the above clinics and are unable to attend but able to attend another please bring along your original letter and we will be able to assist you.
ASN Vaccination Sessions
Does your child have ASN? Midlothian are pleased to announce that they are running sessions for vaccinations in a calm, relaxed environment at Bright Sparks in Bonnyrigg.
Please contact your HV for further details or 07970 297 939 for further advice.
Important Patient Notice
Please be aware that our IT systems will be receiving essential maintenance work on Thursday 3rd & Friday 4th August.
During that time, we will be unable to process prescriptions, or access patient medical records.If you do run out of a repeat prescription on the 3rd or 4th August, then your usual pharmacy can supply a small amount and should be contacted first.
We will be available on the 3rd & 4th August for emergency medical problems only. Please help by visiting or your local pharmacy first, and only contact us on those days if your problem cannot wait until Monday 7th August.
eConsult will be available as normal until Wednesday 2nd August at 17:00 and from Monday August 7th.
Thank you all for your support and understanding.
Over the past 6 months, Newbattle Medical Group has been helping support Danderhall Medical Practice deliver GP services. We are delighted to announce that from 1st August Danderhall Medical Practice will formally become part of Newbattle Medical Group.
What does this mean to me?
Very little will change from how you currently use our service. However, if you are keen to see a particular GP, you may be offered a quicker appointment with that GP if they are based in Danderhall on a particular day. There will be no obligation for you to travel and if this is not possible you will be offered their next available appointment at Newbattle or Newtongrange. The additional support provided by the HSCP means we will be upgrading our phone system to make call handling faster, leading to shorter call waits. We will also see additional staff join the practice to provide more access to our patients. We
Newbattle Medical Group will be taking over the running of Danderhall Medical Practice from the 20th February 2023 for a minimum of six months. There will be no reduction in service at Newbattle and none of our doctors will be moving to Danderhall permanently. However, some of our doctors will be working over both sites on a regular basis, meaning the availability at Newbattle may be slightly reduced. We are delighted to have recruited some new doctors to help at both sites and look forward to serving the community at Danderhall.
Flu Vaccinations 21/22
People aged 70 or over will now be sent a letter by the national booking system with details of an appointment at a vaccination centre.
From now on, GP practices will not administer the Flu jab. Across Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships are taking on this role in line with the GP Contract agreed by BMA Scotland on behalf of Scottish GPs. This change has been agreed to relieve pressure on GP practices. As a result your local practice will not offer any flu vaccinations or handle any booking queries for people in eligible groups.
Instead, the flu vaccine will be delivered by the four Health and Social Care Partnerships in Lothian – East Lothian; Midlothian; Edinburgh and West Lothian.
If you require further information or you need to rearrange your appointment, please contact the helpline on your appointment invitation or the local enquiry line on 0300 790 6296.
Please do not contact your GP.
You can find out more on the websites of the Health and Social Care Partnerships or on NHS Inform”
Covid-19 Vaccination Drop In Clinics
NHS Lothian are looking to make Covid vaccinations as accessible as possible to all eligible populations. Drop in clinics are now available at all vaccination centres in Lothian for people over 16, no appointment is necessary, and they can deliver both first and second dose (if over 8 weeks). All 3 vaccines will be made available.
You do not need to be registered with a GP, more clinics are being added all the time so please keep up to date by using NHS Inform.
In Midlothian, there are two Vaccination Centres:
Venue | Address | Opening Times |
Gorebridge Vaccination Centre | Hunterfield Road, Gorebridge, EH23 4TX | Monday to Sunday
08:00-19:00 |
Midlothian Community Hospital | Eskbank Road, Bonnyrigg, Dalkeith, EH22 3ND | Monday to Friday
08:30-12:15, |
Covid-19 Vaccination Patient Roll-out.
(Updated 22/1/21)
We are delighted to have started our COVID19 Vaccination Clinics.
GPs have been asked to provide vaccines for those aged 80 and over, moving on to those aged 75 – 79 and then those who are shielding. This will take us up to mid-February to complete, subject to supply.
You can find out more about the priority groups by clicking here.
All other groups will be offered appointments via Health Board run services by letter.
The delivery of the vaccine is in small batches and we are not certain when these will arrive. As soon as we have supplies of vaccine our team will contact you to arrange an appointment.
There is no need for you to contact the practice as we will be in touch with those eligible. If you have any questions about the COVID Vaccine, please visit NHS Inform by clicking here, or call the national helpline 0800 030 8013 which is open from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week.’
Festive Opening Hours 20/21
Like every year, the practice will be OPEN over the Christmas Period except for the Scottish national bank holidays.
eConsult will be available for self care advice over the Christmas period from Friday 24th December at noon until midnight on the Monday 4th January. During that time, If you have an urgent medical problem that cannot wait until Monday 4th January then you can phone the practice.
Wishing every one the best possible Christmas, Newbattle Medical Practice