Over the past 6 months, Newbattle Medical Group has been helping support Danderhall Medical Practice deliver GP services. We are delighted to announce that from 1st August Danderhall Medical Practice will formally become part of Newbattle Medical Group.
What does this mean to me?
Very little will change from how you currently use our service. However, if you are keen to see a particular GP, you may be offered a quicker appointment with that GP if they are based in Danderhall on a particular day. There will be no obligation for you to travel and if this is not possible you will be offered their next available appointment at Newbattle or Newtongrange. The additional support provided by the HSCP means we will be upgrading our phone system to make call handling faster, leading to shorter call waits. We will also see additional staff join the practice to provide more access to our patients. We