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Using the NHS when traveling abroad

Travel advice and vaccination is now supplied by NHS Lothian directly from the Western Travel Clinic. Please use the following link to make contact with them:

You can also check what vaccinations you need for any destination on the national website

Please be aware that we do not undertake some additional travel immunisations (e.g. Yellow Fever & Rabies) which, if required you will have to get from another travel clinic which will cost you more. Before booking into our clinic, please consider using an alternative service which can provide ALL vaccination types if you are unsure.

Alternative Travel Clinics Are:

Western General Hospital Travel Clinic – 0131 537 2822
East Preston Street Clinic – 0131 667 1030
MASTA Travel Clinic – 0131 336 3038
HealthLink360 – 0131 653 1920

If you would also like to look up a web-site for information –