Female Sexual Health
We offer a number of services at the practice relating to sexual health and contraception.
To discuss any method of contraception, please arrange a telephone appointment with one of our doctors . Before doing so, you may wish to look at some helpful information first to see what might be the best option for you.
NHS Lothian’s Sexual Health Website has a huge amount of relevant information
IUD/IUS (Coil)
An intrauterine device is an excellent form of contraception. If it is something you would like to discuss further then please make a telephone appointment with Dr Ansell, Dr Gaskell, Dr Glencross or Dr Morrison who can then arrange your fitting.
If you are considering a vasectomy, this can be arranged directly through the Chalmers Centre. Please call
0131 536 1512
This is another excellent form of contraception fitted in the practice. If you would like to arrange a fitting then please arrange a telephone appointment with Dr Ansell, Dr Florence, Dr Gaskell, Dr Glencross, Dr Morrison or Dr Read.
Pregnancy / Abortion
If would like to continue with a pregnancy then you can now arrange an appointment directly with a midwife by calling NHS Lothian Maternity Services on 0131 536 2009. Monday-Friday 0900-1645
To find out about care during pregnancy www.readysteadybaby.org.uk.
Perhaps you did not intend to get pregnant or find yourself in a really difficult situation and wish to consider a termination of pregnancy.
You can call 0131 536 2454 to arrange an initial appointment at the Chalmers Centre. Alternatively you can arrange a telephone appointment with one of our GPs to discuss the situation further.
STI testing
If you have had sex without a condom and would like STI screening, then this can usually be arranged at the practice. Please arrange an appointment to discuss this with any of our GPs.